Monday, January 26, 2009

'Tis the Season

It seems I am living on the trainer these days. Cold weather, odd precipitation, and bad hours are leading to the simple, "Jump on the trainer and pound for two hours" mentality Plus Adnan has me doing a bunch of specific work that goes well on a trainer. Two thing that I have found motivate me on the trainer:
1- a focused set of goals in a workout. Having something specific that I am gunning to get done, helps:

2- Loud music or movie. Dark Knight somehow works, and has already solved my costume issue for the Paranormal this year.
Music, here is a sampler...not always for the faint of heart:

Also on the docket, but unembedable from You Tube: Hollywood Undead, SlipKnot,and Five Finger Death Punch, throw in some random other stuff, and you have "Race Mix" on my iPod.

Perhaps I am opening up the unhealthy side of my psyche here, but hey....we all got our demons, I don't divulge my sources.
I just try to blow mine off the back in a rocky downhill at mile 80 in a race.
What are you doing for yours today?

Peace, I gotta pedal.


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